23 July 2018

On Saturday the 21 July, CHEP held its first art journaling workshop led by one of the committee members, Julia Grey. It was a group of seven women of all ages, from various walks of life, but joined in their shared connection to the area of Constantia.

For the Jaftha women there were three generations present: Aunty Helen who lived in Strawberry Lane prior to forced removals, her daughter Lisle Jaftha, and Lisle’s daughter, Amy. We combined finger painting, collage, stitching fabric and pasting found objects like pressed flowers from Constantia to create a book of living memory. Music and sound triggered memories, along with the spoken meditation by Ernestine Deane, which transported all those present back to the visceral experience of the past.

The women bonded over tea, stories and photographs, honouring those who have walked before us, and healing through creating a new family heirloom. The books will be on display at our heritage day event on 24th September 2018. For more information on these workshops and if you would like to be involved contact us.


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In December 2017 we visited the home of Mr Jannie Bowman, age 91, for our first oral interview. Jannie had been present at a few of our founding community meetings and was always eager to stand up and tell us something about Constantia. When we arrived at his home he...


On the 23rd June 2018 CHEP shall host a Community Meeting. The community meetings are a way in which to involve the public in the work of the organisation, as we are set up as a public-benefit organisation. The meeting agenda will include:...

Contact us

Cnr. Constantia Main Road
& Parish Road
Cape Town
+27 (0)78 198 1156

Copyright © Constantia Heritage & Education Project 2017